Read and Listen
A collection of my essays, articles and podcasts.
Silence, Violence and the death of civil discourse
This is an essay about the death of civil discourse. It is not an essay about politics (although I do focus on the Israel-Hamas-Palestine war to examine this phenomenon), or even about opinion (although I do share some of my own). No, it is fundamentally about how we talk to each-other and why it matters.
In Conversation with Esther Perel: On Dialogue
Yesterday I had a raw, open hearted and super vulnerable conversation with the amazing Esther Perel about a situation that unfolded between us over the summer.
Becoming the compost heap
I have long said that I don’t watch dramatised versions of historical tragedies. I’ve never watched Twelve Years a Slave, I’ve avoided Schindler’s List, and even Slumdog Millionaire, for all its heartwarming glow was a one-time watch only for me.
Life is the tenderest thing
Every so often, a collection of words will drop into my mind and reverberate around my consciousness for days or weeks. They will feel so true, and yet I don’t fully touch the depth of their meaning until something happens to land them.
How do we make meaning during a crisis?
Holiday Phillips is a Teacher, Writer, Organisational Consultant, Coach, and Social justice advocate - working at the intersection of personal transformation and collective liberation. Her work is rooted in holding a loving and curious space for people to be in deep inquiry about the questions that really matter.
Building a wiser and kinder world
What will it take to build a wiser, kinder world? That’s what sociologist, teacher, researcher and coach Holiday Phillips’ work is all about. In this episode she talks about her own cultural upbringing, growing up in an almost entirely white community in London as the daughter of second-generation immigrants. Her mother’s family is part of a small tribe of Indians called Parsis, her father’s family is Guyanese.
Why I stopped talking about race
Many people who follow me here, came into this space during the ascendence of Black Lives Matter in 2020. At the time I was writing a lot on what it would take to heal racism. I am deeply grateful for the community I’ve built as a result of that time. And of recent I’ve stopped talking about race here. And I wanted to share why.
Why good girls and nice boys won’t save the world
The desire to be “good” is so strong in our culture. It’s built into our mythology (heroes and villains), our religions (saints and sinners), and our modern culture (good allies, bad allies).
How do we hold space for love and justice?
Holiday Phillips is a sociologist, coach, writer, and speaker on the topics of philosophy, spirituality, culture, and personal transformation. She is also the co-founder of Kula, a consultancy that helps organizations develop conscious leadership and diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplaces. All of her work is in service of this question: “What will it take to build a wiser, kinder world?"
Performative allyship is deadly
On the 25th February 2020, Ahmaud Arbery, a black man, was shot dead in the middle of the day by two white men (a retired policeman and his son). They got in the car, tailed him, and shot him twice at point blank range. He bled out and died in the presence of his murderers.
Why and how can awareness change your life for the better?
Holiday Phillips is a meditation teacher and leadership coach based in London who believes in mindfulness in action and supports the creation of conscious leaders and organizations.